• Orientation 2015 1


The Neurobiology of Language program is an interdisciplinary training program funded by the NSF designed to foster research and graduate training across cognitive (linguistics, psychology, communication disorders) and biological (behavioral and molecular neuroscience and genetics) approaches to language research. To learn more, download the full proposal, or read our Vision.

Please have a look at our brochure.

Apply to NBL

Incoming graduate students in Linguistics, Psychology, and Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences are eligible to become NBL Fellows or Associates. Please see our application page for more information.


  • Neuroscience and Music, Part 1 & 2 (Video Link)
    Dr. Ed Large is a professor of theoretical neuroscience at the University of Connecticut where he heads the Music Dynamics Laboratory. Here, Dr. Large speaks about emerging research in neuroscience and music.
    Posted on 2016-05-04
  • IGERT Faculty Research: How the Brain Controls Sleep
    Emily Myers, assistant professor of speech, language and hearing sciences at UConn, was recently featured in an article in UConn Today regarding her recent aphasia research in collaboration with Carl Coelho and Jennifer Mozeiko. By using UConn’s powerful new fMRI scanning software, Myers has been able to identify the specific neural regions in the brain that are […]
    Posted on 2016-02-18